The G-res Tool

Relevant literature

Scientific literature using the G-res Tool

Gómez-Gener L, M Gubau, D von Schiller, R Marcé and B Obrador.2023. Integrated assessment of the net carbon footprint of small hydropower plants. Environ. Res. Lett. 18 (2023) 084015.

Hansen C, R Pilla, P Matson , B Skinner, N Griffiths, H Jager. 2023. Variability in modelled reservoir greenhouse gas emissions: comparison of select US hydropower reservoirs against global estimates. Environ. Res. Commun. 4 121008

Soued C, JA Harrison, S Mercier-Blais, YT Prairie. 2022. Reservoir CO2 and CH4 emissions and their climate impact over the period 1900–2060. Nature Geoscience. DOI:

Prairie YT, S Mercier-Blais, JA Harrison, C Soued ,PA del Giorgio, A Harby,  J Alm, V Chanudet, R Nahas. 2021. A new modelling framework to assess biogenic GHG emissions from reservoirs: The G-res tool. Environmental Modelling and Software 143 (2021) 105117, 1-16.

Harrison JA, YT Prairie, C Soued, S Mercier-Blais. 2021. Year-2020 global distribution and pathways of reservoir methane and carbon dioxide emissions according to the greenhouse gas from reservoirs (G-res) model. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 35.

Ubierna M, CD Santos, S Mercier-Blais. 2021. Chapter 5:Water Security and Climate Change: Hydropower Reservoir Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Water Security Under Climate Change, Water Resources Development and Management.

Levasseur A, S Mercier-Blais, YT Prairie, A Tremblay, C Turpin. 2020. Improving the accuracy of electricity carbon footprint: Estimation of hydroelectric reservoir greenhouse gas emissions. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 136 (2021) 110433.

Soued C, YT Prairie. 2020. The carbon footprint of a Malaysian tropical reservoir : measured versus modeled estimates highlight the underestimated key role of downstream processes. Biogeosciences, 17, 515-527, 2020. DOI:10.5194/bg-2019-385

van Vuuren L. 2019. Financing dam projects with green bonds – water engineering.  Civil Engineering.

Bin, Z. et al. 2019. The net GHG flux assessment model of reservoir(G-res Tool) and its application in reservoirs in upper reaches of Yangtze River in China. J Lake Sci 31, 1479–1488 (2019).

Li Z, Du H, Xu H, Xiao Y, Lu L, Guo J, Prairie YT, Mercier-Blais S. 2019. The carbon footprint of large- and mid-scale hydropower in China: Synthesis from five China’s largest hydro-project. Journal of environmental management 250 (2019) 109363 DOI:

Dhakal PR. 2018. Greenhouse gas emissions from fresh water reservoirs. Thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. June 2018.

Jiang T, Shen Z, Liu Y, Hou Y. 2018. Carbon Footprint Assessment of Four Normal Size Hydropower Stations in China. Sustainability 10-02018. doi:10.3390/su10062018.

Prairie YT, J Alm, J Beaulieu, N Barros, T Battin, JJ Cole, PA del Giorgio, T DelSontro, F Guérin, A Harby, J Harrison, S Mercier-Blais, D Serça, S Sobek and D Vachon. 2018. GHG emissions from freshwater reservoirs: what does the atmosphere see? Ecosystems DOI: 10.1007/s10021-017-0198-9

Kamal, M. 2017. Scenario of Small Hydro Power Projects in India and Its Environmental Aspect. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology. 04:10, 228-234.

Kumar A, Sharma MP. 2016. A modeling approach to assess the greenhouse gas risk in Koteshwar hydropower reservoir, India. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 22:8, 1651-1664, DOI: 10.1080/10807039.2016.1209077.
