The G-res Tool


“The development of the G-res Tool is a major milestone in the research on GHG from reservoirs. This is the first scientifically based tool for planners and designers to quantify reservoir emissions. It will be a great help for the World Bank as it will enable us to estimate the carbon footprints of reservoirs at an early stage of our engagement.”
Rikard Liden, Senior Hydropower Specialist, World Bank

“As a consultant, I can see growing demand for GHG emissions estimates in tenders for hydropower projects globally. Thanks to the training I received on the G-res Tool, I can now provide clients with cost-effective GHG emissions analyses as a certified user.”
Karin Grandin, Sweco

“The G-res Tool helps non-scientists to easily measure a reservoir’s carbon emissions. With ongoing improvements to suit different climate regions, the tool provides a convenient approach for hydropower operators and companies, such as Sarawak Energy, to estimate the greenhouse gas profile of a reservoir.”
Jenny Choo, Sarawak Energy
