The G-res Tool

Results validation

Our team can validate the results from your G-res assessment and certify them for public disclosure.

Validation acts as an approval stamp attesting the quality and rigour of the use of the tool and represents an independent verification of the results produced.

In order to validate a result, users are requested to send the input data and results from the tool to our team. We will then rerun the calculations, checking that all input variables meet common sense checks and that default emissions factors have not been changed unless supported by published scientific evidence.

Please note that validation applies specifically to the tool’s use, not necessarily to project specific input values.

Any disputes by organisations not satisfied with the conclusions of the validation process will be passed to the G-res Tool Expert Committee for arbitration.

This validation process does not provide a quality control of the likeliness of the net greenhouse gas footprint but only an approval of the good use of the G-res Tool.


As stated in the G-res Tool’s Terms and Conditions for Use, no claims for commercial use with respect to the tool’s use may be made unless the claim has been validated.

A “claim” with respect to a G-res Tool result is defined by:

  • Any public disclosure of the results following the use of the tool; or
  • Use of any templates provided for using the tool, including any proprietary logos or diagrams.


Before making a claim using the G-res Tool result, written permission from the reservoir owner or operator should be obtained and sent to our team.

Validation is subject to contractual terms and conditions.

Validation checklist

Before your G-res Tool results can be validated, you must provide us with:

  • A completed validation request form and payment
  • Written permission letter from the reservoir owner or operator to make a claim using the result
  • A completed validation template containing input data and data sources found in documentation outside the G-res Tool or Earth Engine functionality
  • The input values and GHG results for the reservoir being validated (a .mer file and a .txt file from the G-res Tool)
  • The Earth Engine functionally script link including catchment polygon, dam point and water surface elevation (Click on Get link to copy the script link), saved .csv files and catchment shapefile, if used
  • All relevant documentation and references used for input data.

How much does it cost?

The standard rate for the results validation is £750 per reservoir.

Please contact us to request a validation of your G-res Tool results.
